Bio Dynamic: Above and Beyond Organic

As a conscious consumer, you like to be aware of the quality of all ingredients in your food as well as the labeling that denotes the quality.  

A new and important label you may or may not yet be familiar with is taking USDA Organic standards to the next level. “Biodynamic®” is an exciting — yet complex — way of growing crops and here’s what it involves:


Biodynamic farming:


        • Meets all USDA Organic Program standards

        •Avoids use of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers and transgenic contamination; instead, focuses on farm-generated living solutions to control pests and fertility

      •Sets aside at least 10% of total acreage for biodiversity


Overall, Biodynamic farmers view their farms as self-contained, self-sustaining organisms. The wellbeing of the farm animals, the farmer, the grounds and the Earth are viewed as integral parts that make up a whole.


To qualify as a Certified Biodynamic farm or product, it must be certified by Demeter USA- a non-profit formed in 1985 to promote Biodynamic agriculture. Demeter USA is part of Demeter International – the oldest ecological certification organization operating in 45 countries globally.


Check out the products for yourself- look for this tag:

BioDynamic Shelf Talker

For more information on Biodynamic standards, click here.