This Week’s Featured Products: Feb 1st

Looking for something you saw on our video?

Here’s the items Jenna and Carolyn featured in this week’s New Product Wednesday Video:

Anita’s Guacamole: SUPER clean and fresh

Market Pizza: Locally made with impeccable ingredients, this pizza is an easy go-to when you want to impress without slaving in the kitchen

Bell Evans Chicken Nuggets: Read your labels! Even if the chicken nuggets you buy SAY they are natural, look up the ingredients! Belle Evans passes our test, and taste.

Murrays Chicken Wings: Humanely Raised Chicken with no preservatives!

Back to Nature Chocolate Chip Cookies: Cleaner alternative to a mainstream favorite. You’ll never go back.

Farm to Market Cafe Vegan Coleslaw: Made RIGHT here in our own cafe, our coleslaw has less sugar that the traditional coleslaw and zero preservatives!

Sweetah’s Peanut Butter Chocolate Bar: LOCALLY made, this treat will leave you HOOKED. Just ask any team member here, we are all addicted.

Late July Nacho Chips: We don’t have to tell you what these can replace. 🙂

GT’s Kombucha: Large Size

Zevia: Mt. Zevia is clear, colorless and completely free of any additives but gives that fizzy sweet soda experience!

Dominex Veggie Eggplant Meatballs: junk-free and just as tasty as the standard frozen meatballs. You won’t miss the meat.

Hail Merry Miracle Mini Tarts: Creamy, dense, and rich, these tarts are craving-crushers.

Olli Salumeria Sopressata:  a better choice for your meat and cheese plate

Enzymedica Enzymes: Acid Soothe, Digest, etc. are excellent choices for helping your tummy break down any foods you might have over-consumed

Hilary’s Eat Well Broccoli Casserole– Easy appetizer that will please EVERYONE!

Heather’s Tummy Tamers Peppermint Oil Capsules: Peppermint, Ginger, Fennel. Soothing remedies for a myriad of tummy troubles. You’ll want to have some of these in your cupboard.

Urban Moonshine: Bitters stimulate your gut to produce the enzymes it needs to make the most of good food and combat the bad

Nature’s Way Charcoal: Charcoal is about as simple as it get. It absorbs gas, toxins and more and helps you feel better after overeating.