25 Jul 7 Reasons Why You Need to Eat Cherries This Season
- Cherries are a smart sweet. They score low on the glycemic index for a fruit, keeping us fuller longer and helping curb our appetites.
- Cherries will help you snooze. They are a natural source of melatonin, a compound found in our bodies that helps us regulate healthy sleep cycles.
- Our ancestors have been chomping on cherries for years (and years). Archaeologists discovered fossilized cherry pits in prehistoric caves. The earliest mention of them was in the year 300 BC!
- Cherries come in many varieties. There are over 1000 varieties, including our personal favorite at Basil Bandwagon: Rainier Cherries!
- Cherries combat inflammation. All varieties: dark, sweet, Rainier, etc. all lower uric acid, which is a key contributor to the inflammation that can make us feel stiff, achy, puffy and sore.
- Cherries are rich in anthocynanins. Say what, now? Anthocynanins are a class of flavonoids found in many fruits that give them their vibrant colors. The health benefits of them can be far-reaching: boosting cognitive performance, supporting liver health, optimizing vision, and more!
- Cherries are fun! In fact, cherry pit spitting contests are no joke! The world record for spitting was made during the International Cherry Pit-Spitting Championship in Eau Claire, Michigan, in 2004: 93 feet, 6.5 inches!!!