09 Apr Produce Recipe of the Week: Vegan Kale Pesto
On sale this week (4/8-4/14): Organic Green Kale $0.99 each!
Who doesn’t love pesto?! Especially since it’s nice to have all year-round! Not only does it go well with pretty much EVERYTHING, but it’s very quick and easy to make. You can also freeze it in an ice cube tray and use them in future recipes to come!

2 Cups Kale, stemmed
1 Cup Parsley, picked
1 Cup Basil, picked
1/4 Cup Raw Sunflower Seeds (we also have this in our bulk section!)
3 Cloves Garlic
3 Tablespoons Olive Oil
1/4 Cup Nutritional Yeast (we also have this in our bulk section!)
Salt, to taste

1. If desired, toast sunflower seeds for 8 minutes at 325 degrees F. They will brown quickly so make sure you keep an eye on them.
2. Add dry ingredients together into a food processor and puree. If herbs and kale do not fit together all at once, add these in batches.
3. While pureeing greens after all have been added, drizzle in oil and lemon juice.
4. Taste and season as desired.
5. After 5 days, freeze in ice trays for convenience.
6. Serve with pasta, bread, or any other ingredient to create a wonderful masterpiece, and enjoy!
Before you enjoy your vegan kale pesto, make sure you take a picture of your masterpiece! Post it on social media and tag your favorite produce market, Basil Bandwagon Natural Market! #basilbandwagon #producerecipeoftheweek
For more ideas and photos of this recipe, check out:https://paleoglutenfree.com/recipes/instant-kale-pesto-to-die-for/