RECAP: New Product Thursday 3/5/2020

Check out our NEW products this week!

We have all your immune support needs!
The Jackfruit Company: Plant-Based Pulled Pork
Just Thrive: Gluten Away, Vitamin k2-7, Probiotic & Antioxidant, Precision Prebiotic, and Ultimate IgG
Kite Hill Blissful Plant-Based Yogurts: Peaches and Cream, Strawberries and Cream, & Blueberry Limoncello
Duverger: Organic French Macarons (Raspberry & Chocolate)
Nancy’s Non-Dairy Yogurt: Apple Cinnamon Oatmilk
Spero: The Cinn (Cinnamon Creamy Cheese) & a beautiful PACKAGE CHANGE!
Pascha: Bar Zero Dark Chocolate Bar