09 Jan Putting Together Your On-The-Go Essentials
These are a few of our favorite must-haves for your purse, pocket, car or office: natural solutions to help you cope with common colds and more. Read on to see how keeping these products handy can help you conquer any day, no matter where you are.
1. Xyloburst Gum
Everyone needs gum, right? It freshens breath and cleans your palate after a meal on the run. Chances are you have some in your car, purse or pocket right now. But take a look at what’s in it. Read the fine print. Check out what’s making it sweet. Some gums contain sugar – a brilliant idea for cleaning your teeth (NOT!). Other gums contain aspartame or other synthetic alternative sweeteners that we don’t love for many reasons. Try swapping your old gum in for some gym with Xylitol. A sugar alcohol derived from corn or birch trees, xylitol kills bacteria that cause bad breath and cavities. Chewing gum with xylitol after meals can help ensure fresh breath AND a healthy smile.
2. Urban Moonshine Digestive Bitters
Our bodies are designed to break down the foods we eat and absorb nutrients from them, but our poor modern diets tend to interfere with this. Digestive bitters are a group of herbs that have the power to stimulate digestive function gently and effectively by encouraging the production of healthy enzymes. Bitters can help receive heartburn, gas, bloating and even decrease sugar cravings, according to our friends at Urban Moonshine. We especially love their handy portable spray bottle. If you’re on-the-go and experiencing discomfort, a few sprays are all you need to be on your way!
3. Ultima Replenisher
These little packets will put you back on course when you are feeling thirsty, tired or dehydrated. Full of electrolytes and minerals, this powder will mix right into your water bottle when shaken and works fast to bring balance to your body! Great for hot days, stressful days, or days when you are recovering from being sick. And they taste amazing, too Don’t leave home without a packet!
4. Activated Charcoal
Going out to eat can be an adventure- especially for our stomach. This is when activated charcoal can be your best friend. Charcoal can capture unwanted material that can wreak havoc on your body, carrying it through your digestive system and potentially saving you an emergency trip to the restroom. Keep it on hand to relieve gas and bloating and even safeguard against food poisoning!
5. Aura Cacia Peppermint Oil
Peppermint essential oil is a superhero. The cooling effect it has on the senses makes it super useful for so many things. It can provide relief for nausea, hot flashes, fever, sinus congestion, stress, migraines and more. Apply a drop to a tissue and inhale, or dilute with a carrier oil in a roller ball applicator to apply to your skin (such as the back of your neck and temples) to bring calm to what’s bothering you. The oil can also extinguish the itch of a bug bite and cool the irritation of a hot rash.
6.Bachs Rescue Pastilles
You’re late and that clock is just bearing down on you- this is going to be a long day. You know that pit in your stomach you get from this sort of stress? That’s what Rescue Remedy is all about. Using the power of homeopathic flower essences, this remedy works with your body to bring about a natural sense of calm when you need it most. These pastilles are discreet and easy to take- just pop one in your mouth and let it dissolve. Before long you’ll realize everything is just fine.
7. Amazing Trio by Amazing Grass
It’s 3:00pm and you need a pick-me-up. But if you reach for that cup of coffee, you know you’re going to be up half the night. This is no longer a predicament when you’ve got a packet of greens handy! This powder mixes quickly with water to provide an instant boost for your system. It oxygenates, alkalizes and detoxifies with nutrient-rich superfoods. These little packets pack a punch of Wheat Grass, Barley Grass and Alfalfa. They fill in nutritional gaps and bring you up to your best potential!
8. Everyday Throat Spray
This soothing throat spray provides instant relief to a dry mouth, a scratchy throat, or a nagging cough. It freshens your breath with peppermint and cools your throat too. The additional of colloidal silver in this formula allows the spray to attack bacteria that cause these problems. It also uses osha root as a trusted herbal cough remedy, and licorice root to soothe irritated mucous membranes. A dash of ginger within helps to calm congestion and reduces nausea. This is a must-have in everyone’s bag!
Click Here to download our
On-the-go Essentials shopping list!
Works Cited
Steinberg, LM; Odusola, F; Mandel, ID (Sep–Oct 1992). “Remineralizing potential, antiplaque and antigingivitis effects of xylitol and sorbitol sweetened chewing gum.”. Clinical preventive dentistry. 14 (5): 31–4. PMID 1291185.
Information on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.