01 Nov Gratefulness Shout Out Campaign Starts!
Happy November Basil Shoppers!
This year, Basil Bandwagon is starting a new tradition, our Gratefulness Shout Out Campaign! For the entire month of November, we will be collecting gratefulness shout outs from our customers and will be announcing them live each week. There’s an added bonus- once you submit a shout out, you automatically are placed in a drawing for a $100 Basil Bandwagon gift card! Just think of how many winter gifts you can buy!
Click here to download the Gratefulness Shout Out Campaign Entry Cards!
Here’s how it works:
- COMPLETELY fill out the Gratefulness Shout Out entry card- please write neatly!
- Submit your entry card- there are submission boxes in both of our locations, or you can email them to: outreach@basilbandwagon.com (please write down all information that would be on the entry card in the email)
- Be on the lookout for your shout out on our Instagram and our Facebook pages- LIVE weekly!
One winner will be picked on November 30th at 8pm!
While you wait to hear your shout out, make sure you order your Thanksgiving turkeys, sides, and pies!