17 Sep PRODUCE RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Orzo Stuffed Tomatoes
On sale this week (9/16-9/22): Organic Cluster Tomatoes $1.99 lb!
Don’t want summer to end? Are you sad it’s the end of tomato season in Jersey? Celebrate with this amazing recipe featuring our farm-to-market cafe’s orzo salad and organic tomatoes!

1 1/2 Cups Orzo Salad from Basil Bandwagon Cafe
6 Tomatoes on the Vine
Pinch of Parsley
Shredded Cheese, optional

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
2. Cut tops off tomatoes and scoop out pulp.
3. Warm orzo salad in microwave or stove top.
4. Fill tomatoes with orzo salad and top with cheese if preferred. Bake for 15 minutes.
5. Take out of oven, sprinkle with a little parsley and enjoy!
Before you enjoy your incredible orzo stuffed tomatoes, make sure you take a picture of your masterpiece! Post it on social media and tag your favorite produce market, Basil Bandwagon Natural Market! #basilbandwagon #producerecipeoftheweek