23 Mar Oranges, Strawberries and Raisins, OH MY!
Oranges, Strawberries and Raisins, OH MY!
Please note: ALL produce available at Basil Bandwagon Natural Market is ORGANIC.
The following information was provided by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and pertains only to NON-ORGANIC produce.
Raisins didn’t qualify for the Dirty Dozen™, since we don’t include processed foods in the list, but if they did, they would top the list by a mile. Ninety-nine percent of conventional raisins tested positive for at least two pesticides, including some that can harm kids’ developing brains!
Strawberries are once again at the top of this year’s Dirty Dozen™ list, taking first place for produce with the highest levels of pesticide residues. Ninety-nine percent of strawberries have pesticide residues, and up to 22 different pesticides were found on a single strawberry!
Many Americans enjoy starting their day with a healthy serving of citrus fruits, but they may be unknowingly getting a side of cancer-linked chemical. EWG scientists discovered cancer-linked imazalil on nearly 90 percent of non-organic citrus samples!
Even after the fruit is peeled, the average concentration of imazalil was about 20 times higher than EWG’s recommended limit to protect children’s health! See the full results HERE.