28 Feb Your Best Natural Smile is Waiting!
Everyone has jumped on the “bandwagon” about needing not just clean oral care habits, but also clean oral care products! We always look for organic or natural, but we don’t always look for the other key words that our found in our featured products below; such as fluoride free, triclosan free, alcohol free, and no artificial flavors or coloring. What we should be keeping an eye out for are words like sustainability, detox, natural, organic, and pure.
But good news is, there are always new products and formulas that are changing to be cleaner, bigger, and better. Check out these brands and see why we love that they’re on our shelves!

As gross as it sounds, when you rinse (spit) out the Wild Forager Mouthwash, you can actually see all of the gross particles that came out between your teeth! The Detox Toothpaste contains bentonite clay which clings to all the gross germs that get stuck in between your teeth. Not only is it clean but it doesn’t hurt if you swallow them too- the bottles even say to swallow a certain amount of times per week to get the detox effects. Refreshing, harmless to swallow, and contains echinacea and silver for added benefits- you can’t go wrong!
The company is a buy-one-give-one company who supports numerous organizations when you buy their products. They are vegan, wild-crafted, and multi-purpose.
“This is the best mouthwash I’ve ever used! I finished the bottle and ran out to get a brand new one that day!” -Sarah L.

The Coconut Oil Toothpaste was made to be a comparable alternative to conventional toothpastes while also incorporating the idea of oil pulling off the germs in your mouth- that’s why they use coconut oil! Coconut oil is a detoxifier and leaves a protective barrier on teeth and gums. The xylitol that’s in their formulas also act as a cavity fighter to prevent bacteria from sticking. The Whitening Pen also contains xylitol and coconut oil which helps remove the stains from that pulling action they focused their brand on.
“The coconut mint flavor is AMAZING and it doesn’t leave my teeth feeling gritty like some name brand toothpastes. I’ve been nervous to try any whitening pens but I just need to try theirs because I love their toothpaste!” -Nicole I.

The Earth Paste is made from redmond clay which is used as a cleanser and a digestive aid support. Not only does it keep your teeth clean and refreshed but it counteracts the acid in your mouth to help prevent the formation of cavities. The xylitol in their formulas helps prevent bacteria sticking to your teeth. Each formula contains their own flavors and benefits. For example, the charcoal type focuses more on teeth whitening while the lemon flavor type focuses on overall oral health.
“Their lemon twist flavor is great. I can’t believe that I used to use toothpaste that didn’t have clay in it.. I’m hooked!” -Kate A.

The darker box contains charcoal and bentonite clay which helps detox and pulls the junk out from between your teeth. The charcoal inside is a huge whitening benefit. The lighter box also helps detoxify and cleanse your teeth from the bentonite clay inside, but it also helps soothes your gums and mouth due to the inflammation benefits contained in turmeric!
“The turmeric one is AWESOME! My gums were always so swollen after brushing and I felt like I never got a really good cleaning until I used this product!” -Anthony R.

Oral Essentials Whitening Toothpaste uses coconut oil, sage oil, and lemon peel oil in order to help whiten teeth without any of the sensitivity that comes from using conventional whitening toothpaste. The Kids Formula Toothpaste is certified non-toxic, is enamel friendly and lightly flavored with strawberry to get kids hooked to brushing their teeth! Not only does the xylitol in it help prevent cavities but also gives a little sweetness to the flavor.
“My son is in LOVE with the kids formula toothpaste – he refuses to use any other kind!” -Lindsay C.
Regardless of what toothpaste you use, make sure you tell us how much you’re in love with your product! Leave us a note, email us, or tell us in person! #basilbandwagoncares
Stay tuned for complete results from two Basil Bandwagon employees and their journey with Oral Essentials Whitening Kit!