14 Jan Celebrate National Kombucha Day with Health-Ade Kombucha Recipes!
ALL Health-Ade Kombucha on sale this month (1/1/2020-1/31/2020) 2 for $6!

Yields one small jar of dressing
1/4 cup Health-Ade Blood Orange Carrot Ginger Kombucha
3/4 cup olive oil
1 teaspoon raw honey
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 clove garlic, finely minced
1. Combine all ingredients in a small jar and whisk vigorously to combine.
2. Taste dressing and season with more salt and pepper, if desired.
3. Dressing will keep in an airtight jar in the refrigerator for up to five days.

Yields 4 servings
1 bottle (1 pint) Health-Ade Cayenne Cleanse
Juice from 4 blood oranges, plus 1 sliced blood orange for garnish
1 cup carrots, peeled and chopped
Juice from 1/2 lemon plus zest for garnish
1 cup ice cubes
Cayenne pepper, for sprinkling
1. Combine Cayenne Cleanse, orange juice, carrots, lemon juice, and ice into a high-powered blender. Blend on low, slowly increasing to high speed. Blend on high for 1 minute or until smooth consistency is reached.
2. Strain drink through a fine mesh sieve once or twice. Divide drink equally between 4 cocktail glasses. Pour over ice if desired.
3. Use a vegetable peeler to peel 4 long ribbons of lemon zest. Place 1 ribbon into each glass.
4. Slice remaining blood orange in wheels and place one face up in each glass.
5. Sprinkle a pinch of cayenne pepper into each glass. Enjoy cold. Refrigerate up to 2 days.

Yields 1 serving
1/4 cup crystallized ginger, for rim
2 teaspoons sea salt, for rim
2 ounces grapefruit juice
1 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice (from 1 large lemon)
4 ounces Health-Ade Ginger Lemon Kombucha
2 ounces club soda (optional)
Grapefruit wheel or wedge, for garnish
1. Place candied ginger and sea salt in the bowl of a food processor. Give it a few good pulses, until ginger and salt are combined and powder-like.
2. Run a lemon wedge around the rim of a chilled highball glass. Dip glass in ginger-salt mixture to coat. Fill glass with a handful of ice cubes.
3. In a cocktail shaker, add grapefruit juice, lemon juice, Ginger Lemon Kombucha, and a handful of crushed ice. Very gently shake and strain into a prepared glass. Top with club soda if desired.
4. Garnish with a grapefruit wheel or wedge and serve.

Yields 2 servings
1.5 cups diced mango (about 1 mango)
1 cup dried pineapple
1/2 cup cold water
1 cup Health-Ade Ginger Lemon Kombucha
2-3 ounces rum or vodka (optional)
1. Add mango, pineapple, and water to a blender and blend until smooth.
2. Strain mixture through a mesh strainer, scraping with the back of a spatula to get all of the juice.
3. Mix fruit puree with kombucha and optional alcohol, and serve over ice.
4. Garnish with sliced pineapple and basil.

All recipes and information above are provided from INFRA and Health-Ade Kombucha.
Independent Natural Food Retailers Association (INFRA) is a purchasing cooperative owned and governed by independent natural and organic food retailers of all sizes working together to leverage our voice in the industry. They unite their members for the purpose of providing operational support, leveraging purchasing power, and engaging in shared marketing activities.
Working together is how we compete and differentiate ourselves in the marketplace, and gives us a higher chance of success. The level of integrity and commitment of the retailers who are INFRA members helps us shape a future together where we will be able to continue to bring high quality organic food to our individual communities, because we have a shared vision and commitment.