16 Aug Brain & Body Mushrooms with Host Defense
Brain & Body Mushrooms with Host Defense
Help get your brain and body back in A+ shape for school this year! Have you thought adding mushrooms into your daily routine? With the goal of building a bridge between people and fungi, founder of Host Defense, Paul Stamets, knew exactly how to help! Keep scrolling to find out how their Lion’s Mane and MYCOMMUNITY® products might be exactly what you’re looking for. Let’s be #PoweredByMushroomMycelium!

Lion’s Mane
Available in capsules & extract
Find focus, mental clarity, and calm with help from our Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus) mycelium-based supplements. Known as “the Smart Mushroom”, Lion’s Mane is ideal for anyone seeking cognition, memory, and mood support. And as an added bonus, Lion’s Mane is also well-known for supporting the nervous system.*

Available in capsules & extract
Did you know mushrooms can be synergistic? They accomplish more together than they do alone. Different species offer a different range of system-specific support. When multiple mushroom species are combined, research suggests that there are greater immune benefits and a broader range of system-specific support compared to a single species.* What do you think a blend of 17 mushrooms can do for you?!
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.