07 Oct Adventures in Cough Solutions
As a mother, I questioned the cold medicines I took as a kid. I remembered swallowing huge amounts of red sticky syrups that didn’t work, and the way cough drops made my stomach hurt. I was determined to find a better way for my own kids.
I started with the classic honey, lemon, and hot water. It was easy for the kids to drink; they loved honey as it was, and the warmth was immediately soothing. I added in homeopathic remedies like Boiron’s Chestel, which contains soothing honey, but is boosted with other cough-fighters.
Then along came my youngest daughter, whose coughing was different. She really suffered from coughing more that her brother and sister. For her, the Chestal syrup alone wasn’t enough to control the spasms that kept her coughing once she started. I knew I’d have to dig a little deeper to find some solutions.
The first thing we did was get her taking Elderberry syrup to prevent colds and flu in the first place. Next, we added Quercetin and Nettles to keep allergies at bay. Every once and a while, though, a cold would happen, and the coughing would start.
Stinky feet
A friend of mine suggested an old wives tale I’d never heard of. “Put vapor rub on her feet at night!” I thought she was crazy! I had the classic vapor rub in the back of the bathroom cabinet and tried it one night, slathering the stinky stuff all over Scarlet’s feet.
It worked!
I was thrilled but quickly sought out more natural alternatives to the drug store brands. It turned out you can use essential oils like eucalyptus, tea tree oil, even peppermint on the feet with similar results. To save time and sanity, though, Tea Tree Therapy makes a great chest rub that works wonderfully.
Another nighttime lifesaver has been Herbalist and Alchemist’s Respiratory Calmpound. This contains lung-soothing herbs like Lobelia and Khella seed as well as Reishi Mushroom. This tincture, in a cup of tea, along with the rub on her feet is a sure-fire way to calm the cough.
Daytime cough
But what about daytime coughing? I can tell somedays that Scarlet’s chest is tight, and she’s a little congested. I turn to Whole World Botanical’s Royal Desmodium. (I know, it’s a mouthful!)
Desmodium has been a miracle for us. It acts as a bronchial dilator, opening up the chest and relaxing the lungs. It’s been used as a muscle relaxant and an anti-histamine, and it can even improve liver health. The best thing about it is that it is safe. I give my daughter a few drops on days when her breathing is labored as a first line of defense. I take it when I’m getting over a cold or on days when allergies are bad.